2024 WING DING SQUASH Charity Tournament

Wing Ding Rules

Each team of 13 players will comprise of players of the following HK League standard (approx.)
- Div Premier
- Div 2, Premier Masters,
- Div 3, Premier Ladies
- Div 4
- Div 5,
- Div 6, Masters 2, Ladies 2
- Div 7
- Div 8, 9 Masters 3, Ladies 3
- Div 10,11 Masters 4
- Div 12, Ladies 4 ~ plus Social squash players, Golfers, Ten-Pin Bowlers, Poker players, Mahjong players and Tennis players.
- Juniors (under 14) Div 13
- Juniors Program (under 14) Intermediate / Div 14; rank 2-10
- Juniors Program (under 14) Beginner / Div 15; rank 3-10
(Teams will be penalised if, in the opinion of the organisers, an unfair “ringer” has been brought in or a player is playing in too low).
Entry Fee
HK$5,300 per team (HK$500 per senior player Nos 1-10, HK$100 per junior nos 11-13). All fees go to charity.
Use website Credit Card on-line option, Cheques or Cash on the day for the team entry fees (and/or donations).
Cheques should be issued to “SCMP CHARITIES LTD – OPERATION SANTA CLAUS” and sent to:
Wing Ding Tournament, C/O Squash Section, Hong Kong Football Club, 3 Sports Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
American scoring; you accumulate as many points over your sesssion as possible. There are no games or sets and no limit to the number of points you can accumulate ~ so don’t stop at 15, keep playing until you hear the horn blast.
Check which court you are supposed to be on – there will be a schedule on the back wall of the courts and the notice board. A 4 minute warm up period (2 minute each side). A single blast on the horn/whistle starts play.
Another single blast on the horn/whistle signifies the end of a session and the time to change court. Finish the rally you are playing, move immediately to your next court to play your second session (and so on for your third, fourth etc until you have played all opponents in your team level. You start 0-0 afresh with each opponent.
Kit/Outfit Scores
If you wear a T/squash shirt of the correct colour you start with 10 bonus points. If you add shorts and socks of the correct colour, pick up another 10 bonus points (5 each). There are a further 10 points for extra effort to add to the colour – same colour wrist bands, Laces, Wigs, head Bands etc. An extra 10 points will be given for kit that is difficult to play in. So a maximum of 40 Points can be gained.
Final Score
How Long ?
Each session lasts 3 minutes. Total 39 minutes if 14 teams (13 x 3 minutes). Bear in mind that it can take you 30 seconds or more to reach your next court at the changeovers. Breaks between sessions – there are none.
Court Changeovers
Teams need to co-ordinate and direct their team mates to the correct courts – team convenors will have to lead the way here and help the team save valuable point scoring opportunities.
The horn blasts, do NOT finish the rally – just stop and make your way to your next court.
Leave the ball on court – do NOT take it with you! If you take the ball with you, it spoils the afternoon for the next pair on that court.
Next Court – After each game therefore when you hear the horn blast, your team mates will (hopefully) direct you to the next court you are supposed to be on and provide you with a drink, emergency massage etc.
Early Server ~ “the early bird catches the worm”
At the next court, the first player to arrive collects the ball and can serve before the opponent arrives.
Normal rules apply to ‘strokes’ and ‘lets’ – DO NOT ARGUE WITH THE REFEREE – you are just losing time & points by doing so.
The End
The end of your last (13th) session is signalled by the double blast of the horn/whistle.
EVERY team has to share marking duties on a court allocated by the organisers. Convenors must allocate and ensure markers at the court on time.
If a player is injured, another player from the team can be substituted immediately. The replacement player must be a lower ranked player. E.g., for no. 2’s, only a 3 or lower can substitute.
The Winning Team
Will be the team that scored overall the highest number of points.
Questions ?
Ask your team captain.